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七月上(G调)图片谱弹唱 Jam(阿敬).png 116 Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter.gp4.rar 102 Pearl Jam - Black.gp3.rar 80 Pearl Jam - Alive.gp4.rar 105 guitar player licks and lessons - SYNTHETIC EXOTICA by James Murphy October 1995.gp3.rar 77 guitar player licks and lessons - Destroy all Monsters By Jesse Gress and James Rotondi november 1996.gp3.rar 84 guitar player licks and lessons - Destroy all Monsters By Jesse Gress and James Rotondi november 1996.gp3.rar 68 Metheny, Pat - James.gp4.rar 95 ZOLO 求谱 You are Beautiful James Blunt 2 74 ZOLO 求谱 You are Beautiful James Blunt 64 ZOLO 求谱 You are Beautiful James Blunt GTP 80 海闊天空jam1 59 海闊天空jam 67 guitar player licks and lessons - SYNTHETIC EXOTICA by James Murphy October 1995.gp3 87 guitar player licks and lessons - Jammin with Dr. Funkenstein by Joe Gore April 1996.gp3 76 guitar player licks and lessons - Destroy all Monsters By Jesse Gress and James Rotondi november 1996.gp3 64 Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter.gp4 56 Pearl Jam - Black.gp3 70 Pearl Jam - Alive.gp4 92 guitar player licks and lessons - Jammin with Dr. Funkenstein by Joe Gore April 1996.gp3 69 guitar player licks and lessons - Destroy all Monsters By Jesse Gress and James Rotondi november 1996.gp3 68 Wooten, Victor - Victors Jam.gp4 76 Metheny, Pat - James.gp4 56 James, Skip - Special Rider Blues.gp4 62 James, Skip - Special Rider.gp4 71 James, Skip - Illinois Blues.gp4 63 James, Skip - Hardtime Killing Floor Blues.gp4 60 James, Skip - Devil Got My Woman.gp4 62 James, Elmore - Slide Guitar Lick.gp4 70 James, Elmore - It Hurts Me Too (2).gp3 54 James, Elmore - It Hurts Me Too.gp4 64 James, Elmore - Can t Stop Loving You.gp3 65 Hells Hilarious Happy Hour - Jamie s Song.gp3 51 Traditional - Jesse James.gp3 65 Tommy James and the Shondells - Hanky Panky.gp4 44 Schuscezuin, Benjamin - Intangible Friend.gp3 51 Satriani, Joe - Woodstock Jam.gp3 50 Satriani, Joe - Raspberry Jam Delta-V (Live At San Francisco).gp4 55 Satriani, Joe - Raspberry Jam Delta-V.gp3 61 Ram Jam - Black Betty (2).gp4 65 Pearl Jam - Alive (3).gp4 53 Johnson, Jack - Thicker Than Water Acoustic Jam.gp4 58 Jam (The) - The Bitterest Pill.gp4 44 继续搜索更多内容 ( 库 1 ) ... ...